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Coming for a Shabbat/YT or Simcha
Looking for homemade Kugels, Dips & Salads pls call or whatsapp Shayna 813-5700497
We deliver weekly to Eden Gardens (the only resort with a minyan weekly over the entire year)
SUKKOS UPDATES: We will bh be having two fresh productions: Erev Sukkos and Hoshana Raba. Orders to be in by the 14th & 21st. Thanks
What is your Kosher certification?We are proudly certified under the strict supervision of the Orthodox Vaad of Orlando (OVO). All our products are Pas Yisroel and all our dairy products are Cholov Yisroel.
How does the delivery work?We deliver to various centrally located pickup locations. Please note the closest pickup location to you.
Where are the pickup locations?Here is the list of locations and times: Encore Resort 7652 Wilmington Loop 11:00am - 12:30pm Reunion Resort 941 Golden Bear Dr 1:00pm - 2:30pm Champion's Gate Resort 8932 Cabot Cliffs Dr 3:00pm - 5:00pm
When will my order be ready for pickup?We will be delivering to our pickup locations 4 times throughout Sukkos. Fri Oct 2nd, Mon Oct 5th, Wed Oct 7th, and Fri Oct 9th. Please indicate in the notes at checkout when you'd like to pickup your order. We will only be delivering to Champion's Gate on Chol Hamoed.
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